ΑΩΕ Alumni
Charter Members
Shelby Nichols - Psychology Major in the Class of 2015
Andreea Stoica - Mechanical Engineering Major in the Class of 2016
Amy Mirro - Biomedical Engineering Major in the Class of 2016
Beth Bollinger - Physics Major in the Class of 2016
Caroline Farrington - Biomedical Engineering Major in the Class of 2016
Elizabeth Coe - System Engineering Major in the Class of 2016
Haley Acevedo - Computer Science Major in the Class of 2016
Jillian Rose - Mechanical Engineering & Geophysics Major in the Class of 2016
Karina Del Velle - Physics Major in the Class of 2016
Kristen Fernhoff - Psychology Major in the Class of 2016
Meagan Leonard - Mechanical Engineering Major in the Class of 2016
Megan Stevenson - Biomedical Engineering & Anthropology Major in the Class of 2016
Morgan Munro - Biomedical & Systems Engineering Major in the Class of 2016
Stefanie Shahan - Biomedical Engineering Major in the Class of 2016
Amanda Leary - Finance Major in the Class of 2017
Elisa De Togni - Biochemistry Major in the Class of 2017
Hannah Ramsaywak - Chemical Engineering Major in the Class of 2017
Alpha Class
Amanda Leary - Spring Class of 2017
Beth Bollinger - Spring Class of 2016
Caroline Farrington - Spring Class of 2016
Hannah Ramsaywak - Spring Class of 2017
Karina Del Valle - Spring Class of 2016
Kristen Fernhoff - Spring Class of 2016
Meagan Leonard - Spring Class of 2016
Megan Stevenson - Spring Class of 2016
Morgan Munro - Spring Class of 2016
Shelby Nichols - Spring Class of 2015
Beta Class
Amy Mirro - Spring Class of 2017
Andreea Stoica - Spring Class of 2016
Elisa De Togni - Spring Class of 2017
Elizabeth Coe - Spring Class of 2016
Haley Acevedo - Spring Class of 2016
Jillian Rose - Spring Class of 2016
Stefanie Shahan - Spring Class of 2017
Gamma Class
Alison Gozlan - Spring Class of 2016
Arielle Conti - Spring Class of 2017
Jaedyn Larson - Fall Class of 2017
Jiyuan (Mary) Cui - Spring Class of 2016
Tina Li - Spring Class of 2017
Delta Class
Ashley McCulloh - Spring Class of 2018
Ashley Kim - Fall Class of 2019
Charlotte Smith - Fall Class of 2019
Chelsea Branson - Spring Class of 2017
Leslie Sterling - Spring Class of 2018
Melinda Davies - Spring Class of 2018
Mengqi Guo - Spring Class of 2016
Pooja Tripathy - Spring Class of 2017
Samantha Wang - Spring Class of 2018
Vanessa Wu - Spring Class of 2018
Xiran Liu - Spring Class of 2018
Yunli Emily Chu - Spring Class of 2018
Epsilon Class
Anna Ivarson - Spring Class of 2018
Emily Morgan - Fall Class of 2018
Haiyue Amelia Ma - Fall Class of 2018
Jacqueline Pielli - Spring Class of 2019
Julia Burns - Spring Class of 2019
Michelle Heredia - Spring Class of 2017
Rebecca Schultz - Fall Class of 2017
Sirui Li - Spring Class of 2019
Xinyi Cindy Le - Spring Class of 2018
Xueyan Xie - Spring Class of 2019
Yue Claire Yuan - Spring Class of 2019
Yvette Anguiano - Spring Class of 2018
Zeta Class
Beryl Rong
Spring Class of 2020
Beryl is from Wuhan, China. She majored in Applied Math and Operations & Supple Chain Management with a minor in German. She served as a treasurer and shift caption of the Campus Kitchen. She was also involved in Association of Women in Mathematics, German honor society DPA. She had a part-time job at Anheuser-Busch as a logistics trainee. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, reading, and hanging out with friends.
Ginny Burrows
Spring Class of 2020
Ginny is from Potomac, Maryland. She majored in Electrical Engineering. She enjoys hiking, reading, rock climbing, and spending time with her dog. She loved getting to know her sisters and became more involved with AΩE.
Ina Chen
Spring Class of 2020
Ina is from Nanjing, China. She majored in Biomedical Engineering. She enjoys studying the mechanism of organism functioning, reading, hiking, traveling, baking, photography, and making handcrafts. She simply loves to craft things out of anything whenever and wherever possible.
Jackie Wong
Spring Class of 2020
Jackie is from St. Louis, Missouri and majored in Computer Science. She was a member of Women in Computer Science and Lunar New Year Festival. In her free time, she loves to dance, do yoga, and spend time with family and friends. Jackie loved being in AΩE with such awesome sisters!
Michelle Hedlund
Spring Class of 2020
Michelle is from Springfield, IL. She majored in Biomedical Engineering and minored in Electrical Engineering minor. She worked in a research lab studying optical brain imaging. Michelle enjoys yoga, cooking, running, and reading!
Yilenda Dong
Spring Class of 2020
Yilenda is from Beijing, China. She majored in Chemistry and minored in East Asian Studies. She has particular interests in ancient Chinese literature. She loves Japanese animation, which sparked her passion for the Japanese language as well as its culture. She is a foodie and a good restaurant explorer whose first and primary task upon arriving in a new city is finding a nice place for dinner.
Yuanyuan He
Spring Class of 2020
Yuanyuan grew up in Shanghi, China and went to an international boarding school in Indiana for three years of high school! She majored in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Art. Y2 is her favorite nickname she got from her high school speech team. She loves playing the piano, going to art museums, and cooking for friends. In her free time, she works out, reads and explores new places. Yuanyuan loved being around AΩE sisters all of whom are incredibly supportive, smart, and inspiring!
Eta Class
Amelia Delzell
Spring Class of 2020
Amelia is from Cleveland, Ohio and studied Systems Engineering with minors in Computer Science and Finance. She spent a lot of her time as a TA for multiple engineering courses. Outside of the classroom she loves to practice her French horn, read, and catch up on her favorite TV shows!
Julia Li
Spring Class of 2020
Julia is from St. Louis, Missouri and studied Computer Science and Design.
Sarah Lee
Spring Class of 2020
Sarah is a Korean-American born in South Korea and raised in the US. Some of her favorite activities to do in her free time is to nap (a LOT), watch rom/coms and adventure movies, and travel with her friends and family. She also loves eating out at Asian restaurants and watching movies at the movie theater. Although she don't particularly enjoy strenuous activities, she does enjoy the occasional hike with beautiful scenery 🙂
Theta Class
Kelly Hartigan
Fall Class of 2019
Kelly is from Algonquin, Illinois. She majored in Biology with a focus in Computation Biology and Genomics. She enjoyed doing research on the WashU Med Campus, and in her little free time enjoys watching Netflix, saying hi to every dog she meets, and trying out new restaurants around St. Louis.
Cecily Adler
Spring Class of 2020
Cecily majored in Biomedical Engineering, on the pre-med track. She is from Providence, Rhode Island and loves to be on the water. At WashU she was an Engineering Student Services math tutor and involved with the Club Sailing team. Cecily loves to go to the gym, watch Netflix, hike, and explore new restaurants in St. Louis.
Ariel Feng
Spring Class of 2021
Ariel is majored in Biology. She is from Beijing, China. She loves singing and doing karaoke and she was actively involved in Asian Music Association events. She also likes dancing (traditional Chinese dance), reading and drawing comics. She is a big fan of animals, especially cats. Cat Café is her favorite place.
Jasmine Luo
Spring Class of 2021
Jasmine majored in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Bioinformatics and a second minor in Computer Science. She is from Chengdu, China, which is known for spicy food and pandas! She enjoys all kinds of sports and she likes trying new things. On campus, she was a member of RedCross Team. In her free time, she likes singing, watching movies, and reading.
Karen Ye
Spring Class of 2021
Karen is from St. Louis, Missouri and studied Computer Science and Finance. She loves to travel and immersing herself in different cultures from around the world and will bring her camera with her on every trip. When she is not studying, she loves to draw, play piano, dance, hang out with friends, go hiking and enjoy a good book. She was also involved with Lunar New Year Festival on campus and worked as a Student Technology Coordinator at STS.
Madison Larkin
Spring Class of 2021
Madison majored in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Environmental Engineering. She is from Princeton, New Jersey– an hour away from Philadelphia, New York City, and the shore. Madison enjoys hiking, cooking, dancing, television series and animals. She loves visiting museums and finding cool nooks-and-crannies, and loved exploring St. Louis with her sisters!
Rachel Jakes
Spring Class of 2021
Rachel is from Columbus, Ohio. She majored in Biomedical Engineering and minored in Computer Science & Music. At WashU, she was involved in undergraduate research, Symphony Orchestra, Club Softball, and Overflow. She also worked on campus as the Lead Calculus RPM. In her free time, she likes to drink bubble tea, watch movies, and play the piano.
Rama Balasubramaniam
Spring Class of 2021
Rama is from Dublin, Ohio, and majored in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Anthropology (GHE). On campus, she was involved in GlobeMed and Studio: TESLA and volunteers with Ninos Cambios Puertas. In her free time, Rama loves to go to Forest Park, reading, and hanging out with family and friends.
Shannon Coupland
Spring Class of 2021
Shannon is from Kansas City, Missouri. She majored in Computer Engineering and Computer Science. She was a member of WU Racing and co-president of String Theory (WashU’s knitting and crocheting club). Shannon loves to knit with her spare time, as well as hang out with friends and eat delicious food.
Sonia Muzemil
Spring Class of 2021
Sonia is from Chicago, Illinois, and majored in Computer Science and minored in Communication Design. On campus, she was a member of Pride Alliance, a part of the Datamatch team, and TA'ed a computer science class here and there. In her free time, she likes to draw, sing, do web design, and watch cat videos with her friends.
Yangchen Situ
Spring Class of 2021
Yangchen is from Shanghai, China and has a combined major in Math and Computer Science. She is interested in almost everything except homework, exams, and papers. She loves food but is a bad cook. In her dorm, she always claims that she is going to do work or study, though she is actually opening her Steam account and playing games. Outside her dorm, you might have found her in Cfan, AWM, the gym, some other clubs, and of course AΩE.
Iota Class
Anna Herman
Spring Class of 2021
Anna is from St. Louis, MO, and studied Chemical Engineering. She was a campus tour guide, a member of the Congress of the South Forty Executive Board, and was involved in Overflow, a campus ministry. She loves drinking coffee, spending time with her friends, petting dogs, and trying new foods.
Ashley Wenz
Spring Class of 2021
Ashley majored in Computer Engineering and is from Virginia Beach. She was a dual degree student at WashU.
Christine Shao
Spring Class of 2021
Born and raised in St. Louis, Christine majored in Biochemistry and minored in Healthcare Management. She loves learning new things and teaching others, as she was involved in undergraduate research and has taught music lessons for the past few years. She was also a PST leader for biology. In her free time, Christine enjoys going to group exercise classes, watching movies, trying new restaurants, and making healthy-ish food: her favorite being smoothie bowls.
Emily Stranne
Spring Class of 2021
Emily majored in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Mechanical Engineering. She is from McLean, Virginia. On campus, she was a member of the Society of Women Engineers. Emily enjoys playing sports, spending time with friends and family, and working with animals. She loved to explore St. Louis with her sisters in AΩE.
Grace Yuan
Spring Class of 2021
Isabelle Palmer
Spring Class of 2021
Isabelle is from Murfreesboro, TN, and majored in Biology. She loves books, ballet, and bees. On campus, she was involved with China Care Club, Lunar New Year Festival, and WU Women in STEM. In her free time, she enjoys drinking coffee and taking pictures of her dogs.
Lisa Liao
Spring Class of 2021
Lisa majored in Computer Science with a minor in Bioinformatics, Drama, and Linguistics. She is from Beijing, China. She was an active member of a student theater group called Thyrsus and Engineers Without Borders. Sleeping, waking up, eating, and watching Netflix is her perfect weekend schedule. Her biggest dream is to live in the woods of Nara, Japan with all the deers.
Soojin Choi
Spring Class of 2021
Soo Jin majored in chemical engineering. She was born in Seoul, Korea but grew up in Hong Kong. On campus, she was involved in Engineers Without Borders and Studio: TESLA. She loves exploring new cafes and petting cute dogs. In her free time, she likes to watch TV, thrift shop, and take photos.
Kappa Class
Kendall Dawson
Fall Class of 2020
Kendall is from Sudbury, Massachusetts, and studied Mathematics and Linguistics with a minor in Germanic Languages and Literatures. On campus she was involved in the Association for Women in Mathematics, the German honor society Delta Phi Alpha, and the Linguistics club. In her free time, Kendall is a hockey fan who also enjoys reading and watching cooking videos on YouTube.
Jane Zha
Fall Class of 2020
Jane is from Shanghai, China, and majored in Biomedical Engineering, with a minor in Computer Science. She enjoys playing badminton, watching movies, and trying new food. She loved the AΩE family!
Abigail (Abbie) Wolfe
Spring Class of 2021
Daphne Yao
Spring Class of 2021
Daphne majored in Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology. She grew up in Shanghai, China as well as New York City. She was a member of WashU's badminton club and was involved in Sigma Iota Rho (an international studies organization). In her free time, she enjoys drawing, reading, trying to dance, eating good food, and watching TV shows.
Joy Chen
Spring Class of 2021
Joy is from St. Louis, MO, and majored in Mathematics on the Pre-Med track. She was the musical director of Reverb A cappella, a researcher on the medical campus, and is passionate about philanthropy. In her free time, she enjoys playing the piano, sketching, video games, and taking excessive amounts of naps.
Shannon Su
Spring Class of 2021
Shannon majored in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science. She considers herself an international student and is from Shanghai/Taiwan/ the Bay. On campus she worked as an engineering tutor, worked in a BME research lab, and as a Bio 2960 lab TA. In her free time, she enjoys going to the gym and watching both Hulu and Netflix.
Crystal Shin
Spring Class of 2022
Crystal majored in Biomedical Engineering. She is originally from Seoul, South Korea but she has also lived in China. On campus, she was involved in Studio: TESLA, PL4Y, and SOK. She loves taking a walk on a sunny day and spending time with her friends and family. In her free time, she likes to watch Netflix, play table tennis, and eat delicious food.
Ella Johnson
Spring Class of 2022
Ella majored in mechanical engineering and is from Louisville, KY. In her free time, she enjoys horseback riding, baking, rock climbing, and hanging out with sisters! She served as president of the Beta Xi chapter in 2021.
Grace Chen
Spring Class of 2022
Grace is from Beijing, China, and studied Computer Science and Psychology. On campus, she was involved in the Asian Music Association and LNYF Chinese Yoyo. In her free time, she enjoys singing, dancing, and watching prank videos on YouTube. She is also a big fan of Kpop music and is passionate about learning Kpop dances. She considers AΩE a great community and loves hanging out with fun and supportive people!
Jourdan He
Spring Class of 2022
Jourdan is from Nanjing, China, and majored in Chemical Engineering, minored in Environmental Engineering and Computer Science. When she is free, she always enjoys watching TV series, going to SLAM, and exploring good restaurants in St. Louis. She loved being a part of the AΩE community.
Laney Ching
Spring Class of 2022
Laney majored in Computer Science with a second major in Design. She's from Mill Valley, California so she misses the ocean every day she's landlocked at WashU. She loves the Earth and her family the most but is also a long-time boba addict.
Victoria Wu
Spring Class of 2022
Victoria double majored in Statistics and Finance, minored in Healthcare Management. She is from Wuxi, China where the steamed bun is the signature food. Jazz is her all-time favorite and you can see her performing in the WashU concert choir. She likes exercising in the gym and loves to travel and explore the great unknown, capturing the moments with her camera. She is also involved in Lunar New Year Festival and China Care Fundraising.
Alice W
Spring Class of 2023
Alice studied Computer Science and Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology. She’s from Nanjing, China, where the weather is random just like St. Louis. On campus, Alice was the treasurer of KaPOW Comic Club and worked as a Calculus matched academic mentor at The Learning Center. In her free time, she loves reading, cooking, gardening, and doodling. Alice feels so lucky to have so many awesome sisters at AΩE!
Jessica W
Spring Class of 2023
Jessica is a senior majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Writing. She is from South Florida and definitely misses the sun during St. Louis winters. On campus, she is an editor for Frontiers and a TA. In her free time, she enjoys listening to music, writing, and binging TV shows.
Lambda Class
Grace Nelson
Fall Class of 2022
Grace is from Chicago and majored in Global Health and Environment and then received a Master's in Public Health. She loves figure skating and was part of the WashU skating team. She also was a part of VSA and LNYF and enjoys relaxing with her friends, cooking, and jamming out to music.
Madison Ronchetto
Spring Class of 2022
Madison is from San Diego, California, and studied Communication Design and Computer Science. She skated on WashU's figure skating team and enjoys hiking, kayaking, and being outdoors. In her free time, Madison likes to bake, read, and find new restaurants to visit.
Jiwon Choi
Fall Class of 2022
Jiwon is a from Seoul, South Korea and double majored in Computer Science+Math and Finance. She worked as an engineering tutor and CSE 247 TA. On campus, she was involved in Lunar New Year Festival and Women in Computer Science. In her free time, she enjoys playing games and taking naps.
Sarah Garelick
Fall Class of 2022
Sarah is from Palm Beach Gardens, Florida and majored in Electrical Engineering. She was a TA for CSE 132 and a member of WU Racing. In her free time, she likes to read, do puzzles, and hang out outside.
Simran Ajwani
Fall Class of 2022
Simran is from St. Louis, Missouri and majored in Business and Computer Science. In her free time, she likes to make ink drawings, play piano, and play tennis with her friends. She also loves to dance Bollywood and hip hop fusion.
Amanda Z
Spring Class of 2023
Amanda is from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania studying Biomedical Engineering. She was a part of the WashU figure skating team and played the violin in the symphony orchestra. When she has free time, she likes to read, explore new restaurants with her friends, and catch up on much-needed sleep.
Erica D
Spring Class of 2023
Erica is from Jefferson City, Missouri, and studied Systems Engineering with a minor in Operations and Supply Chain Management. She enjoys anything outside, especially backpacking. In her free time, she likes to pet all of the dogs she can find on campus.
Yoon K
Spring Class of 2023
Yoon is from Seoul, South Korea, and studied Biomedical Engineering, minoring in Computer Science and Bioinformatics. In her free time, she enjoys exploring new cafés and restaurants and watching romance movies on Netflix. She also loves to go to the pilates studio and ski when it's snowing.
Mu Class
Cassie J
Spring Class of 2023
Cassie is from Clarksville, Maryland, and majored in Systems Engineering with a minor in Computer Science. She was on the WashU Varsity Cheerleading team, was a WUSA, and worked as a Calculus PLTL leader on campus. Cassie runs on coffee, workouts, and her friends' positive energy! She also loves baking, crafting, and going for boba!
Helen Y
Spring Class of 2023
Helen is from Redwood City, California. She majored in Computer Science and Math with a minor in Bioinformatics.
Maddie S
Spring Class of 2023
Maddie is from The Woodlands, Texas, and majored in Chemical Engineering and minored in Energy Engineering. On campus, she was a PST leader for Intro to EECE and was also involved in AlChE as well as SWE. In her free time, she likes to hike, draw, and read.
Xi Class
Sally L
Spring Class of 2023
Sally is from Saratoga, California studying computer science. She loves figure skating, snowboarding, and walking through new scenery.
Omicron Class
Olivia L
Olivia is from Fort Pierce, Florida majored in Physics on the Biophysics track and minored in English Literature. At WashU, she was the President of the Society of Physics Students and conducted quantum sensing research. In her free time, Olivia enjoys running in Forest Park, crocheting, and exploring St. Louis with friends.
Pi Class
Alexus S
Fall Class of 2022